Which Glass Should You Choose For Your Frameless Shower Screen

low iron or standard glass

Glass is a broad architectural medium with new glass products emerging on the market.
Here we take you through standard and low iron glass, to consider, is all glass created equal.

What is standard shower screen glass

Standard glass begins with annealed or ‘float’ glass. This sheet form glass is what you see used in small house windows. Float glass shatters in a dangerous way, therefore shower screen glass must be treated for safety.

How standard glass looks

A deep green colour is quite noticeable on the edge of glass. On thick glass, the green becomes noticeable on the face. The green is more pronounced against white backgrounds. Certain lighting conditions can accentuate the green hue further. The green tone has a tendency to reduce the feeling of space within a bathroom.

What is low iron glass

A reduction of the green tone is achievable by lowering the iron content in the glass. The glazing industry refers to this glass as “low iron”. Differing factors such as the colour of the Silica (most common constituent of sand) can impact upon the final colour of the low Iron glass. Increasingly the market is demanding glass of a superior clarity for Architectural items such as shower screens and furniture. For decades, major retailers have been using low Iron glass in shop windows and jewellery display cabinets because of its ability to present window dressings more true to life.

Our opinion

If you see the beauty of glass as being in its clarity, then you will appreciate the difference of our low iron glass.

At Trinity Frameless Shower Screens, we produce shower screens of superior clarity using Claralite™ glass. We incorporate Claralite™ in our range, specifically for its optical clarity.
Please request a free sample if you would like to see the difference for yourself.